Galaxy S7 Edge ROM Port For Samsung Galaxy S5 G900F/M/I/T/W8/H/V/P All Variants

With the new Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge devices, comes a brand new TouchWiz Samsung UI. The new firmware from the Korean manufacturer has received a lot of positive feedbacks from critics, developers, and most importantly, the Android community. Following many successful Galaxy S7 (Edge) ROM ports to other Samsung devices like the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, the Note 5 and S6 Edge Plus, Galaxy Note 3, etc. the latest device to run this new S7 TouchWiz UI is the popular Galaxy S5 and many of its variants including the ones running on Snapdragon processors and Exynos as well. This is a great deal for all the S5 users as they can run the S7 firmware without even buying the flagship devices. The ROMs are custom builds and some of them are hybrid of stock Samsung S5 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow G900MUBU1CPC3 and the S7 G935FXXU1APC8 firmware. That means the base firmware is the same as that of S5, whereas the S7 apps, S7 UI, S7 Panels, framework, etc. have just been ported. Check out the various Samsung Galaxy S7 ROM ports from the download section below and install the one that best suits your Galaxy S5 device. These S7 Edge ROMs support almost all variants like SM-G900F, G900FD, G900I, G900W8, G900T, G900V, G900P, etc.
Download Samsung Galaxy S7 (Edge) ROM ports for Galaxy S5
Download Insanity S7 Edge v3 ROM For Galaxy S5 Snapdragon variants
- Insanity S7 Edge ROM [6.0.1] [ROM Port] → Download | File: Insanity S7 Rom [929.27 MB]
This S7 Edge ROM based on the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Samsung S5 G900MUBU1CPC3 firmware and supports all the S5 variants running on Snapdragon processor except for the SM-G900H variant. The ROM comes with all the S7 Apps with working people edge, Zipaligned files and firmware, improved battery performance, Debloated, S7 Edge stock framework, and features, choose S5 or S7 camera, S7E People Edge, feeds, etc. However, there are some bugs with the new version: currently disabled AOD and Night clock, Fingerprint doesn’t work (apktool problem), and NFC issues.
Download Area 51 ROM for T-Mobile Galaxy S5 SM-G900T
- Area 51 v3 for T-Mobile S5 → Download | File: Area 51 (962M)
The Area 52 version 3 is based on the S5 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware. This is the T-Mobile variant only. It comes with many S7 and S6 Edge apps, features, and panels. You may also try the Insanity ROM for the G900T variant.
Download Note 5 Port For Verizon S5 Sm-G900V Android 5.1.1 Marshmallow
- Note 5 Port [5.1.1] for S5 G900V →
Features for Note 5 ROM port:
Original base N5 firmware
Port files taken from N5 Firmware:N9200ZCU2APA1
N5 Apps/Libs-N9200ZCU2APA1
Full QMG/SPR/BMP support
All Note 5 Apps and features.
Download Area 51 S7 ROM port for Sprint Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
- Area 51 For Sprint S5 G900P → Download | File: Area 51 6.0 Sprint [1,023.26 MB]
This S7 ROM requires the stock Android 6.0.1 firmware installed on your Sprint S5 or at least the Marshmallow bootloader. Minimum firmware requirement G900PVPU3CPCA.
Features of this S7 ROM port for S5
S7 SystemUI
Sprint De-bloated
S7 Hero service
S7 Framework edits
S7 Multiwindow
S7 Apps: Memo, Samsung Browser, Messages, Game launcher, Email, etc.
S7 apps were taken from latest sprint S7 framework
Only new thing for now
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- Official Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow For Galaxy S5 G900F
- Marshmallow For Galaxy S5 G900I
- How to root Galaxy S5 on Android 6.0.1
- Sprint S5 and S5 Sport official firmware
- S5 Plus Android 6.0.1
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How to Port Galaxy S7 Edge ROM onto Samsung S5 SM-G900F/M/I/T/W8/H/V/P and more?
The procedure is simple. Just make sure you have setup the latest TWRP recovery onto your Galaxy S5 device. Once that is done with, backup first and then flash the S7 ROM of your choice. For a detailed TWRP tutorial: Samsung Galaxy S7 Marshmallow ROM Port For Galaxy Note 3.
Source: Insanity ROM, Area 51, Note 5 Port,