AI Assistants Could Come to Cars with Android Auto including ChatGPT and Google Gemini

ChatGPT and Google Gemini Ai assistants for Cars and Android Auto

Google’s recent Keynotes (I/O 2024) was all about AI with their new Gemini assistant coming to Android with new features. Google claims AI is going to be at the core of Android’s operating system. It won’t be too long before Gemini expands to Google’s other platforms including Wear OS, Android Auto, and Android Automotive OS. (AAOS)

You can now even replace Google Assistant with the new Gemini AI on your Android phone. Google may soon give you an option to do the same with Android Auto and Wear OS 5.

Google Gemini could in the near future replace the Google Assistant on Android Auto as well. Though Gemini isn’t polished yet to replace Google Assistant, it is already taking over smartphones.

This year is all about AI assistants and chatbots. It won’t be too long before car-makers start implementing their own versions of AI assistants based on offerings from Google’s Gemini, OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Meta’s Lllama, and more.

ChatGPT-4o conversation via audio, vision, and text in real time is now possible

Open AI in the Spring Update released a revolutionary new feature to ChatGPT known as Voice Mode; wherein you can have a continued conversation with AI on any topic you want.

The biggest announcement in the keynotes were introduction of ChatGPT-4o with Voice Mode! AI can now talk to you in natural sounding real-time voice conversations.

One of the standout features of GPT-4o is its ability to comprehend and engage with visual content. Users can leverage GPT-4o to interact with images in ways never thought possible.

With audio and vision support in AI chatbots, they can easily be transformed into personal assistants everywhere including your phone, cars, and more.

YouTube video

Imagine these features coming to your cars. Kia, for one, is already implementing AI assistants powered by ChatGPT-4o into their cars.

Kia to bring ChatGPT-like AI Assistant

According to The Verge, Kia is all set to release a new electric vehicle (EV) with the upcoming release of the Kia EV3. This compact electric SUV, which is set to debut in South Korea this July and later in Europe and the US, promises a blend of impressive range, AI assistant, and new design. The highlight? An AI assistant modeled after OpenAI’s ChatGPT, enhancing the driving experience with intelligent voice interaction.

Kia’s new voice-activated AI assistant could be a game-changer in the automotive industry. Built off OpenAI’s ChatGPT and tailored for automotive use, this assistant is designed to make driving more convenient and enjoyable.

According to Pablo Martinez Masip, Kia’s head of customer experience design, the assistant can help plan trips, find entertainment, and more. Initially available in Korea, this feature will soon roll out to other markets, including Europe and the US.

Potential use cases of AI in Android Auto

ChatGPT and Google Gemini could continue your conversation from your phone to your car upon connecting to Android Auto.

ChatGPT-like AI assistants can help you plan trips, help with directions, and look for different paths to your destination.

As ChatGPT now has vision, it could look through your car’s camera and assist you in driving, detect potential robberies, accidents, thefts, and offer real-time alerts, preventing unauthorized use.

Additionally, AI assistants can keep drivers engaged on long trips, reducing fatigue-related accidents by providing interactive conversation.

Download Android Auto

Android Auto just got a major version change to 12.0. You can download the latest Android Auto 12 beta here with new features.

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