Download OxygenOS 3.5.6 Camera Port for OnePlus 2 | How to Install

The OnePlus 2 is one of the most popular Android devices from the Chinese major OnePlus; released in Q3 of 2015. The major benefits of owning a OnePlus device is that it has a remarkable developer support, several Mods, advanced TWRP recovery, and stunning custom ROMs like Lineage OS 14.1. Meanwhile, custom ROM’s provide with a lot of cooler customization options, it lacks the stock apps like camera and gallery. The stock camera from Oxygen OS 3.5.6 for OnePlus 2 features a faster processing of HDR mode, Gallery app etc. So if you are running custom ROM’s on your OnePlus 2 and want the stock camera features back, there is a good news for you. XDA member- vignesh95 has managed to port the camera from the official OOS 3.5 for OnePlus 2. You can grab the port file from the downloads section below and follow our tutorial on how to install the same.
Moreover, the OnePlus 2 is currently running Android 6.0 Marshmallow based on the official OOS 3.5.7 which was released recently. The update brought lots of major changes like bug fixes, added VoLTE support, November security patch and much more. Moreover, there is another Oxygen OS 3.5.7 OS update that fixes IMEI lost, but that’s just if your device doesn’t show up IMEI numbers.
How to install the OOS 3.5.6 Camera and Gallery port on OnePlus 2?
If you are using the custom ROM’s, direct installation won’t work. All you need to do is flash the ported file using a custom recovery. Most likely we recommend you to use TWRP. Once you have TWRP installed, follow the steps as given below. Alternatively, you can also delete OnePlus camera and camera service from system/priv-app. Also delete from system/framework. Then flash the camera app. or simply extract the zip and replace the files.
Download OxygenOS 3.5.6 Camera and Gallery stock app
There are actually two camera ports. One from the latest Oxygen OS 3.5.6 and another one from the Oxygen OS 3.5. You can use any of the two to install. Simply download and flash the camera app via custom TWRP recovery. You can also replace the camera app from system/priv folder. A full tutorial is below. The file weighs 2.9 MB. Download and copy it to your device’s internal storage or SD card.
- Port 1- Camera from Oxygen OS 3.5.6 | Download | File:
- Port 2- Camera from OOS 3.5 | OP2 Camera 1.4.0
- Stock gallery app from OOS 3.5 | OP2 Camera 1.4.0 v3.5 with
- To do so, hit the ‘Install’ button.
- Then, from the list, choose the OOS 3.5.6 file that you copied to your SD card.
- Swipe to confirm the Flash option. The installation procedure should start now.
- Wait until the installation completes. It takes about 2 minutes to install the file.
Step 6: Once done, reboot your device by choosing the Reboot system button.
Thanks: vignesh95, ghbuur