Download Universal SafetyNet Fix v2.2 | New Zygisk Zip for Magisk Hide, SafetyNet ByPass, CTS Profile False Fix

Magisk is the most popular Android rooting currently available. However, ever since the developer, topjohnwu, joined Google in the Android Security department, Magisk users have been doubting whether the project will live on. John Wu has made a clarification in a recent blogpost called State of Magisk: 2021 and also via Twitter that Magisk development will continue. However, certain features like Magisk Hide and Magisk modules section will retire. John Wu also assured that Magisk will support third-party modules, which can be installed manually via recovery mode.
This is where the popular project on Github called Universal SafetyNet Fix (UFS) comes into play; courtesy of great work from the developer kdrag0n. As the name suggests, this will help bypass SafetyNet. Additionally, the latest version of UFF 2.1.0 also features Magisk Hide!
Today, kdrag0n released a new version of Universal SafetyNet Fix 2.1.0 with the following changelog:
- Fixed new SafetyNet CTS profile failures as of September 2, 2021
- Added MagiskHide features that will be removed in future versions of Magisk
For some context,
After a server-side change or update from Google released on September 2, 2021, Magisk Hide failed for several Android devices resulting in errors like “This device is not certified” in Google Play Store. In addition to this, SafetyNet bypass also failed. Along with CTS Profile false.
The latest version of UFS 2.1.0 will fix failed Google certification in Play Store, fix Magisk Hide, SafetyNet ByPass, and CTS Profile False Fix.
This way you can bring full proof root access for the latest Android 12, 11, 10, 9 Pie, and below. You will also need the latest Magisk v23.
Here is a screenshot of the latest Universal SafetyNet Fix 2.1.0 build passing the SafetyNet test.

Download Latest Universal SafetyNet Fix 2.2.0 (Zygisk) ZIP
Before you go ahead and download the latest Universal SafetyNet Fix 2.1.0 build, note that this is a Magisk module and comes in a zip file. You can either flash the zip via TWRP recovery or from Magisk Manager APK. Simply tap on the Magisk modules tab > install from storage. Reboot after installation.
Following are the direct download links right from the Github repository of the project.
- Latest Zygisk v2.2.0 (Zygisk) | (direct link) | v2.2.0 (Zygisk)
- Previous Universal SafetyNet Fix 2.1.0 | (direct link)
Note: if you’re failing cts use MagiskHide Props Config as well.