How to fix overheating issues on Android?

how to fix overheating issues on Android

The overheating on a smartphone is not a new issue nowadays, the more you use it, the more likely you would notice your device getting warmer. Today, every single smartphone is pre-loaded with large batteries and revamped with the fast charging technology. And since then, we have had heard a lot of complaints about the battery overheating problem. The fact is, there is no cure to completely eradicate heating of your smartphone. It is inevitable, but here are few tips you should use to avoid the overheating of mobile phones. This is a precautionary guide to help make your battery last longer.

In this guide- we will try to explain you each and every factor that causes heating of your device. But before starting, we would like to put some light on the basics of electrical heating or heating effect of electric current, to get a better understanding.

Heating effect: Now, the heating effect or the electrical heating, as we call it, is normal. Remember your high school physics? When a charge (flow of electrons) or electric current is passed through a conductor, it generates heat due to the resistance it offers to the current flow. The work done in overcoming the resistance is generated as heat. So heating is normal but overheating should be a concern.

How to fix overheating issues on Android_androidsage

Why does your Smartphone heat up?

Similarly, smartphones are made up of electrical components which are powered by batteries. A battery is the whole source of electrical energy on a smartphone which is connected to a set of resistors to draw continuous power, the energy from the source is continuously dissipated in the form of heat. Here the SoCs come into action, they are well optimized to handle high temperatures that cause overheating. When your smartphone reaches a potentially harmful temperature, the SoC will reduce the processor speed that will slow down the operating speed. Thus, saving it from overheating.

Reasons for Frequent Overheating:

Normally, you may notice overheating on your device while charging, using heavy apps, or playing games or even recording 4K videos. Pushing the GPU for too long can easily start the heating up of the phone. Moreover, if you are experiencing frequent overheating on your smartphone, most of the time it could be due to the overloading of the hardware.

The other reasons include multi-tasking, use of widgets, extra features, network connectivity 3G/4G, etc. as these require the processing power that will heat up the battery.
Overheating is not restricted to the usage of the device alone. Sometimes, even placing it in direct sunlight for a long time could be a reason to trigger it.

How to fix or avoid overheating issues on Android?

Now, as we know the reasons that are responsible for overheating of the smartphone, it becomes equally important to understand how to avoid it. Here is a list of few simple tips that you can follow, to overcome your device from the said issue.

 1.Avoid overcharging of your device:

The major thing that could heat your device is charging the phone overnight. By doing so, you are stressing your battery by charging it to 100 percent for too long. Even discharging has an effect on the battery life, so never let it run down to zero percent. It is always a good practice to keep it charged somewhere between 30 percent to 80 percent. The only issue that may annoy you is- the number of charge cycles.

stop overcharging

2. Avoid third party accessories:

Not using the original accessories that come with the smartphone, most importanty tle USB cable and charging adapter, may do a severe damage to the phone in a long run. Many times the third party accessories like the chargers, batteries, and USB cables come with different power ratings. This affects the functionality and may cause unexpected heat up of the smartphones. To avoid this, it is always recommended to use only genuine accessories.

3. Remove back cases at regular intervals:

Smartphone back cases and covers may look cool and probably add extra protection to your device. But keeping the device in cover and cases for long intervals may lock the heat emitted out from the device. Removing covers for few hours every day would help reduce overheating in some cases.

avoid using back covers

4. Place the devices on a hard surface:

Keepping the phone on the bed or sofa while charging could lead to heating of the phone. The heat gets traped in and if not emitted out, the thermal heat will warm up the smartphone ever more. It is always recommended that you place your device on a hard surface like a table, mobile holders or the floor.

chagre phones on hard surface

5. Avoid direct sunlight:

Avoid keeping your smartphone in direct contact with sunlight. When you do so, the smartphone’s normal processing power and heat received from the sunlight are bounded together to heat up the phone.

avoid using smartphones in direct sunlight

6. Avoid using heavy apps:

Heavy apps and games consume more processing power along with the graphics, using them continuously might heat up your device. These apps keep running in the background and cause the processing power drains out. Constant overload of processing power causes overheating. To overcome this you can use apps like Greenify– for those who don’t know, Greenify is a hibernation app- that hibernates all your background apps and won’t allow those to run again unless you open those manually. See our ultimate guide to save battery life on Android.

use greenify

7. Start using Airplane more often:

To use Airplane mode is the simplest way to cool down your smartphone. If you are not using the phone, especially during the night, switch it to airplane mode or simply switch it off. By switching to airplane mode, it will be easier for the device to settle down itself and also save your battery.

turn on airplane mode

8. Stop increasing screen brightness:

Turning the screen brightness up on your phone will affect the battery. It will add extra load on it. Instead of increasing the brightness, use a glare screen. Such screen will allow you to use your smartphone even in sunlight no matter how bright it is. Moreover, keeping the screen brightness on auto mode is also a good option.

Verdict: These are our tips on how to fix or control overheating issue on your Android device. By using it, you may be able to control the heating issue at some point and if your device still overheats, then it could be a hardware malfunction. Remember, there is no fix to the exploding Note 7. Also, see 5 types of apps to remove from Android right now for better performance and battery life.

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