Langogo genesis AI language translator (1)

What a great time to be alive. Every day there are new gadgets, smartphones, and software updates released that make our lives easier by the day. This is possible due to advancement in technology. Langogoโ€™s Genesis AI Translator is one sweet little invention for you. This is a smart gadget that can translate any language on the go. It can translate voice input from language A into language B and vice versa. So if you are a traveler Langogoโ€™s language translator is a must. It consists of 105 built-in languages to carry out seamless conversation in different languages.

Langogo Pocket AI Translator is an instant two-way voice translator gadget that can translate most of the languages on the go. This means when you speak in one language and Langogo can automatically translate the words into your desired language; with voice output. Letโ€™s say you are a traveler in Spain and you canโ€™t speak Spanish but only English. You can just turn on your device speak in English and the Langogo  translator device will automatically speak out Spanish words for your. This process goes through 24 translation engines integrated into the device for high accuracy and efficiency.

Most importantly, Langogo language translator comes in a small package so you can carry it anywhere in your pocket. Plus, it features a built-in WiFi-Hotpot so you are connected to the internet all the time. The WiFi Hotspot feature has been implemented into the translator via integrated eSIM technology. The Embedded SIM Card technology can be accessed in 60 countries. The device also has a 3.1 inch touch screen and 2 Noise-Cancelling microphones.

Langogo genesis AI language translator (3)

Langogo genesis AI language translator (2)

Buy Langogo Pocket AI Translator on Sale

The Langogo Pocket AI Translator is on sale right now for less than $249.00 as opposed to the original price $299. Moreover, there is a big promotion going on. So if you purchase the device this week using our coupon code ANDROIDSAGE then you get an extra 10% discount.

These are the 5 core features of the Langogo AI Translator:

  • One-button Translation: A dedicated button for instant two-way translation activity.
  • Interpreter Mode: With this mode turned โ€“ no more repetitive press/click needed during a conversation or a phone call.
  • Set Languages for the translation: Set your desired language from a list of 100+ other languages.
  • Hotspot Sharing On-The-Go with Cellular & Wi-Fi Connection.
  • Intelligent Travel Assistant: Built-in assistant for the most common queries like currency rate or weather.

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